Operations Now Supply Chain Profitability and Performance 3rd Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 4
Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Products should always be designed before processes.
True False
2. The service system design matrix provides how service outcomes and service processes can be designed concurrently.
True False
3. Process-oriented layouts are designed to be efficient producers of goods and services when there is little or no variation from one item to the next.
True False
4. The QFD process moves through five phases with the aid of a set of intertwined matrices known as the product/process matrix.
True False
5. The first three phases of QFD provide a tight link between process design and what the customers need.
True False
6. The voice of the customer (VOC) plays the most significant role in the production planning phase of QFD.
True False
7. The top or ‘roof’ of the house of quality can best be described as the relationships between customer desires and performance measures.
True False
8. Value stream mapping is used to gain an understanding of the physical flow of goods and services that add value.
True False
9. A poka yoke is identified in a service blueprint.
True False
10. Business process analysis starts with a clean slate.
True False
11. The advantage of make-to-order is that customers get an immediate response to their order.
True False
12. A widely used approach for guiding product and design so that customer expectations are met is:
A. Designing for manufacturability
B. Business process analysis
C. Quality Function Deployment
D. Reengineering
E. Concurrent engineering
13. Integrating process design and new product or service design is referred to as:
A. Designing for manufacturability
B. Business process analysis
C. Quality Function Deployment
D. Reengineering
E. Concurrent engineering
14. Concurrent engineering
A. Includes design for quality
B. Eliminates nonvalue-adding steps in processes
C. Reduces the time required to complete all design functions
D. Identifies parallel processes and makes them sequential
15. A concurrent design approach that focuses on reducing transportation costs through product design is
A. Design for cost
B. Design for logistics
C. Design for test
D. Design for assembly
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