Test Bank For Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective 13th Edition by Steiner
Test Bank For Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective 13th Edition by Steiner
Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective 13th Edition by Steiner Test Bank
Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective 13th Edition by Steiner
Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective 13th Edition
Business Government And Society A Managerial Perspective
Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. The business-government-society (BGS) field is the study of this environment and its importance for
True False
2. The primary purpose of a business is to make a profit by providing products that satisfy human needs.
True False
3. The structures and processes in a society that make and apply policies and rules are called businesses.
True False
4. An enduring belief about which basic choices in a society are “correct” is called an idea.
True False
5. Institutions are formal patterns of relations that link people together to accomplish a goal.
True False
6. A business uses society’s resources to create new wealth.
True False
7. The public generally believes that a business has social responsibilities beyond merely making a
True False
8. The broad duties of a business that are needed to obtain the support of society are called its social
True False
9. In the market capitalism model, the “market” acts as a buffer between business and nonmarket forces.
True False
10. The dominance model represents business primarily based on the economic forces that affect it.
True False
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