Looking Out Looking In 14th Edition By Ronald B. Adler – Test Bank
1. Identity management occurs only in face-to-face interactions.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 55-57 Knowledge
2. Research indicates that mediated communication offers advantages for identity management.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 56 Knowledge
3. The influence of significant others becomes less powerful as we grow older.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 41 Comprehension
4. The self-concept is extremely resistant to change.
Answer: T Type: T Pages: 45-46 Comprehension
5. Compared with face-to-face interaction, online communication tends to limit the control we have over managing impressions.
Answer: F Type: T Page: 56 Knowledge
6. In many cases a self-concept is based on data that may have been true at one time, but are now obsolete.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 44 Knowledge
7. People with high self-esteem tend to disapprove of others more than people with low self-esteem.
Answer: F Type: T Page: 39 Comprehension
8. People who think highly of themselves are likely to think highly of others too.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 39 Knowledge
9. Our concept of self is shaped by the culture in which we have been reared.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 47 Knowledge
10. The self-concept is a relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 38 Knowledge
11. The self-concept is a constantly changing set of perceptions that others have of you.
Answer: F Type: T Page: 38 Knowledge
12. Personality traits are largely a result of genetics rather than of socialization.
Answer: T Type: T Page: 40 Knowledge
13. We tend to resist revising our own self-concept even if the new self-image is more positive.
Answer: T Type: T Pages: 45-46 Comprehension
14. All inaccurate self-concepts are overly negative.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 43-44 Knowledge
15. It is possible to have a more favorable image of yourself than the objective facts or the opinions of others warrant.
Answer: T Type: T Pages: 43-44 Knowledge
16. The person you believe yourself to be in moments of honesty is called the presenting self.
Answer: F Type: T Pages: 51-52 Knowledge
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